Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Reinvigorated being....

I went back to Ipoh for the weekend. Just wanted to see my family as I wanted to spend more time with them.

And every night, after everybody has gone to sleep, it gave me more time to reflect upon certain things that really need to be contemplated.

I've forgotten how good it felt just being alone at night outside my house with a glass of kopi Che Nah and puffing away a few sticks of Sampoerna Menthol Cigarettes, while thinking and waiting, what will happen and transpire in the near future. You know, what's in store...that kind of thing...

I mean, you need that kind of atmosphere once in a while right? Just you, and your thoughts wandering away.

And now that I'm back, I realize something.

Today is a brand new day. And right now, I'm extremely happy and excited.

1 comment:

the girl said...

peace isnt something you can buy :)