Tuesday, April 08, 2008


He was never this quiet.

Before, he was the type who would put crayon stains on top of the mountains, and drove people around him mad. As he rolls around with a michievous laugh, dirty stares of anger would instantly turn into snickering laughter of joy as they watched him having the time of his life.

Before, he would try to enjoy the life he has been leading as though human beings were meant to be perfect,in a sense where thoughtfulness and humility is the only way of life.

Before, he would gather the scents of all the aromatic kindness and warmth around him, as if nature is impenetrable from misdeeds and evil intentions of his own kind.

And then, realization struck, and all of those wonderful thoughts were scattered out like birds fleeing for their lives from an inferno rising out of the crevice, where dragons and monsters resides.

As he grows older, he now foresees the actions a man should take while still persist on the hope that life will not turn out to be a nightmare of reckless proportions, and in the end, he will indeed find the answers to life which he has been yearning for all the while.

As he stood toe-to-toe with madness and deceitfulness, he knows exactly what he should do in the face of it all.

He shall remain quiet.

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